‘From Faith to Action’ – responsibilities to refugees discussed at annual CCJ Conference
Nov 23, 2023

HIAS+JCORE was delighted to join and learn with faith leaders at the The Council of Christians and Jews’ ‘Rabbis and Clergy Conference’ in Westminster today (23rd November).
The annual event was hosted shortly after Inter Faith Week 2023, and saw leaders from a number of different denominations come together.
Our Executive Director David Mason was pleased to partner with Welcome Churches Co-CEO Emily Shepherd, to deliver a session titled ‘From Faith to Action: Working with Refugees’.
Other input at the event included a discussion on the ‘Lessons on challenging prejudice working with young people’, delivered by Tim Robertson, CEO of the Anne Frank Trust and Nathan Servi, Stand Up!’, and a talk on faith in society, and learnings from the Census, from Chine McDonald, Theos and Jon Boyd, Institute of Jewish Policy Research.
Amidst such difficult times, the Conference was a really inspiring and valuable day, and one that felt hugely important.

Our Executive Director David Mason speaks to the Conference audience

The conference was hosted at a beautiful venue in Westminster

Our JRAN Programme Director, Dan Hall, in discussion at the conference